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As of August 2018, IMI Global and International Genetic Solutions have partnered together for no other reason than to benefit the beef producer - you! The IGS Feeder Profit Calculator utilizes the largest and most comprehensive set of genetic data available to calculate the Relative Value of feeder calves in a one-of-a-kind, breed agnostic, independent manner.  IMI Global customers can utilize this calculator at no-added cost!


How can the Feeder Profit Calculator benefit your operation?

The evaluation and resulting value is based on both management and genetic criteria.  The Relative Value, as indicated on a formal certificate you will receive directly from IGS after submitting your operation information, enables you to benchmark your work to continuously improve management and genetic decisions in your herds.  

For buyers of the cattle, it provides insight into projected feedlot and carcass trait performance and overall profit potential.

It is important to remember that the IGS Feeder Profit Relative Value is related to your health protocols and genetic profile, which would only be additive to your third-party verification programs. So, think of the potential premium value of your programs and add that to your IGS Feeder Profit Relative Value, and you’re seeing the full picture of how your hard work can pay off in the marketplace. This is one more management resource to have at your fingertips!

"By enabling beef producers to see the value their management and genetic decisions are providing to their operation, it enables them to have a benchmark from which they can make confident, knowledgeable choices about how to continuously improve their operations.

​As my dad has always said, ‘If you buy unknown genetics you never know if they are going to finish like an elephant or an ant.’ Knowledge matters, and the IGS Calculator provides producers with one more tool in their toolbox to make transparent, informed management decisions.”  

--Leann Saunders, President of IMI Global

Questions?  Please contact:
Chip Kemp, IGS Commercial and Industry

303.895.3002    |    |    202 6th St., STE 400, Castle Rock, CO 80104   
© 2020 IMI Global, a div. of Where Food Comes From, Inc.

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